5 Baby Bath Time Tips

We’ve come a long way from Baby Bao’s newborn bath days when we had to gently watch out for the belly button stump to trying baths in the full grown-up tub! Regardless of how much she’s grown, there are some tips and tricks I want to share of what has…

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How We Survived Our Baby’s First Cold

We were excited that our little bao was finally going to start daycare. Even though hubby was able to get some days off each week for me to focus on work, it was still an interesting balancing act to watch her, pump, and work a full-time demanding job for over…

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25 Questions to Ask When Interviewing Your Pediatrician

I think a child’s pediatrician is almost as important as a close family member. Not only will you be entrusting the health of your child in your pediatrician, they will also be treating your child until they’re an adult. That’s a damn long time to have someone in your family’s…

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