Welcome to ‘Raising Baby Bao’

This is a mommy blog dedicated to sharing my experiences as a first-time, Asian American mom. I want to say right off the bat that motherhood has been the hardest thing I’ve ever done in my life thus far. Prior to becoming pregnant, I would consider myself pretty strong physically, emotionally, and mentally. Everything after going into labor has challenged that.

Not trying to scare the pregnant moms out there, but giving birth is traumatic. Of course it’s different for every woman, but I’m fairly certain that regardless of how your body is, there will be some trauma endured for pushing or cutting a bowling ball-sized baby out of you. Yes, the healing process is temporary, but it could feel like a lifetime at first.

Everyone and their mom tells you how magical giving birth is, while no one really prepares you for the pain, potential complications, and postpartum healing.

Having a baby changes you and although it’s been a difficult journey thus far, I wouldn’t trade it for the world. When my little one smiles, holds my finger, or babbles – everything seems worth it. I just wish that I had more knowledge prior to even getting pregnant.

And that’s why this blog was created. I’m here to share with you whatever I learn along the way, as well as create a safe space for female Asian solidarity on common topics that we encounter daily. They say, it takes a village to raise a child. I say it takes a kingdom.

xo Kris

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